A soldier is putting something on another soldier 's face.After watching the annual Super Bowl parade of ‘super’ commercials, it tickles me, that the two deemed best, were based on the same thing that has worked forever…. emotional brand stories.

Nothing works better for iconic brands in major events than ‘heroic’ stories like Paul Harvey’s rendition of the American farmer for Dodge, or the heartfelt story of the Budweiser Clydesdale.

The same is true for last year’s winner, Cadillac, and its story about saving Detroit, and who can forget the famous Mean Joe Greene, Coca Cola spot where he gave his jersey to a kid for a Coke.

Coca Cola has unfortunately forgotten this. Their Super Bowl spots used to be the showcase. Not sure their latest desert race spot did a whole lot (maybe socially?). It certainly had no emotional brand story and consequently is easily forgotten.

Sure ‘sex sells’ (Go Daddy, Kate Upton/Mercedes) and sight gags (VW) and trick effects (Doritos) will always get attention and for today—viral buzz, but they never quite work as hard or as deep as the time honored emotional stories do.

The same is true for campaigns that are not necessarily on the Super Bowl.

Some 40 years ago I wrote a tag line for V8, “Wow, I could’ve had a V8”.

This line, in fact, was a mini brand story, in and of itself, and although the emotion was not at all as heroic as for the Super Bowl, it was certainly true to the brand and the emotion surrounding it. It came right out of the mouths of consumers … with a tinge of self -annoyance on their part.

That human reaction not only confirmed that the brand was good and acceptable and worth remembering…something that has allowed it to survive and grow despite some 40 years of continuous competition from 100’s of new beverages.

So the brand tip of the day … find the emotional story for your brand and it will last forever.

For more about the V8 story, health brands and 20 others, refer to my new book at www.rocketbranding.com and let me know what you think?




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A soldier is putting something on another soldier 's face.Do we now have the biggest opportunity in history to properly build brand equity?

Remember this whole ‘brand’ thing started in the days when a cobbler or baker hung their shingle in front of their store. Customers came into the store, talked to the craftsman, saw other things he was doing, felt confident and assured, agreed on a price and business was done. If it worked out they told others to go to the store and brand advocacy and equity were established. Or not depending on the experience.

This then evolved centuries later into the world of ‘mass media and marketing’ with TV, print, radio etc. and the modern concept of branding emerged. Interestingly though most of this was really about the ‘shingle’…the name, the personality, the benefits. Everything was conceptual. It was hard to really emulate the actual in-store experience of the old days.

Then in the last decade ‘digital’ and ‘social’ happened and now for the first time you can get a lot closer to the actual in-store experience. With a few clicks or swipes you can see inside the company, meet the owner/craftsman, see how the products are made, see the full range of their products or services and prices, interact and get instant reviews and references.

Now with the combination of ‘mass, digital and social’ you can attract people to the brand and also walk them through the entire shopping process…brand marketing nirvana.

So how do you ‘rocket’ brand equity with all the weapons we have now?

Without ‘building a clock’, I would start immediately with one clear thought in mind.

Content clutter is going to be a huge issue. Everyone is rushing more videos, pictures, blogs, tips into all mediums.

So brand equity rule number one…

Do not just add to the noise ….. find your voice

It’s not just about your ‘shingle’ and out-shouting, out-contenting, out-mobiling your competitors.

It’s now all about who you really are as a brand and why ‘I’ should care….what’s in it for me? And execute this seamlessly across the entire brand experience.

There is a lot more to this discussion and we can certainly help you find your ‘brand voice’ and grow your ‘brand equity’ in this brave new world.

Visit us www.rocketbranding.com





A soldier is putting something on another soldier 's face.

With over a billion users, ‘social media’ was certainly the media buzz in 2012.

2013 will be no different. Can it grow to 2 billion users?

Why not…new users of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram etc. are signing up and instantly sharing everyday. And even more interesting is the addiction to checking updates on mobile devices.

All those people you see hunched over their cell phones and tablets on the bus or train or coffee shop are more often than not checking into their social networks.

That’s all great but as everyone knows these sites are largely based on personal not commercial interactions. It’s tough to find a vibrant social community committed to discussing and sharing the latest toilet paper brand let alone accepting brand advertising on their smart phones.

So should you ‘rocket’ your brand on social media? Absolutely! As a brand marketer you cannot afford to disregard a behavior that in the next 2-3 years could involve 50-60% of your consumers or customers for as much as 20 -30 times a day. It is not just a question of trying to get attention here but it is also about being integrally involved in new habits and behaviors that in many cases will lead to all kinds of new products and experiences.

Trust me if you do not learn how to engage your brand in this new set of digital experiences your competitors will, and by doing so, leave you several chapters behind in the learning curve.

Ok smart guy, how? Actually the answer is a lot simpler than you would think.

1. Forget the medium and think about the behavior. The only difference with social media is that it is personal and the sharing is about stuff that is interesting or relevant to a particular group. So forget about trying to place an ad. Create interesting content. Provide relevant knowledge. A colleague used to create one-page novels and one-minute movies around a brand story. He was ahead of his time.

2. Find the ‘what’s in it for me’

YouTube cracked the code on this by allowing you to share an outrageous video or laugh with your friends. The big daddy question is what is in it for your consumers and customers that they would want to share with their buddies and cohorts (and you).

You are not creating a brand message but a brand currency… something that your brand target would find interesting and relevant enough to get you invited into their world and shared with their connections.

‘Save the world’ causes sponsored by your brand and special deals are oft used example of getting branded traction among a certain community of consumers or customers. We’d say go further and really dig into what about the brand category if anything has real ‘what’s in it for me’ potential and social significance to your brand target.

So for even the toilet paper brand, maybe your target is ‘soccer moms’ and they are becoming more afraid of public soccer field restrooms and want some advice and maybe even a discussion forum on making them safer. They may want an app that shows the cleanest/safest facilities or would even be open to sampling a new portable, discreet spray product that they advocate to others? Whatever, again it’s about the behavior insight not about finding an advertising opportunity in the medium.

We at, Rocket Branding, have built an entire new discipline around gaining Social Traction for your brand in this brave new world. Let us help you compete here. Visit www.rocketbranding.com or call 312 951 5178.


A soldier is putting something on another soldier 's face.Want your career (and life) to take off?

Everyone is a ‘brand’.

Let us rocket you just like we would a successful, fast moving billion-dollar brand.

Rocket Branding has helped built six so far with a few in the works.



The same principles apply… grow, focus and simplify, and four questions:

1. Where do you want to be five years from now?If you know where you are going it is a whole lot easier to get there. Dream, ponder and go for it. A scrappy, 22 year old in Sydney, (down under) decided he needed to get to the USA and run a world class ad agency. I did with a series of 5-year rocket plans that took me through London, Hong Kong, and tons of client meetings and ad campaigns to get there.

2. What are the three key actions that have to take place?Focus on what has to happen when? Not a laundry list, just the three critical ones.

3. What key decision makers do you need to influence to accomplish the five-year goal? Employers, bosses, influencer etc. Again, not a laundry list, just the critical ones.

4. What basic emotional connections do I need to have for my ‘brand’ to gain accelerated acceptance among these key decision makers? Really important. How should you be perceived? Life is often a series of snap decisions. Put your self in the shoes of the decision makers above and remember most people decide based on what’s in it for them and, often from what they see in front of them. So don’t dress and act like a low level salesman if you want to be a high level president.

Yes, I know you may have heard some of this before and yes, at times we hear it from brands…. a lot of ‘but this’ and ‘but that’ – but trust us and really try it. The billion brands are still thanking us for forcing them to follow this type of rigor.

We have helped rocket many individuals and through our Traction Training process based on the above. So contact us and we’ll get you flying high fast, www.rocketbranding.com.


Fast growing rocket brands can experience unintended consequences.


A soldier is putting something on another soldier 's face.You are enjoying the dream. Everything is going great…your product is flying off the shelf, people are signing on in droves and then the ‘crisis’ nightmare hits…product problems, safety complaints, recalls, plummeting stock, strikes, under age workers, scandals and so on. Look no further than Facebook, Netflix’s pricing debacle, Apple’s maps, Tylenol tampering and BP. Nightmares everyday!

Unfortunately media today loves the negative ‘back story’ and feeds on the ‘nothing-is-as-good-as-it-seems’ headlines… especially for a brand that is enjoying mass popularity.

So what should you do if your rocket is being attacked for any ‘nightmare’ reason?

1. Prepare for it. War games. Plan it to happen.

Your rocket success will be a magnet for issues so even before you launch take a few days and answer these questions – as we take off what major issue could sink us, what should we have in place to manage it and how can we turn it into a rocket booster?

A great way to do this is by war gaming. Play out the scenario with different team members and role-play the various players. We did this many times in the early stages of launching brands like Splenda and Celebrex so we could understand what factions around the world would attack the safety, how this would affect revenue growth and, is there an opportunity to turn this into an advantage? Both brands were attacked aggressively and publicly.

Luckily we were prepared and won.

2. Act quickly. Understand the personal problem.

Immediately take public ownership of the personal issue. Remember this one fact. Everyone’s first impulse is to react personally to any ‘news’ crisis. How does this affect me, my family (or my pooch)? If Toyota pick ups are blowing up, and I have one, then I want to know more, if I don’t then I become a spectator. I did not take much note of the recent meningitis problems with a back injection drug until a good friend had one (luckily it was not contaminated). This is true for money issues. The makers of Twinkies just announced that they are closing their doors. Yes, for those that love Twinkies and Ding Dongs, that is bad however, it is also a personal problem for investors, employees and those that counsel them.

Make sure that you identify those most personally involved and understandtheir specific issue. Address those publicly right away. If not themedia will and that is never good.

3. Reset the boosters

The good news is that with quick news cycles today most nightmares are over rather quickly. The better news is that if you are properly prepared even negative publicity is rocket fuel. In the countries where NutraSweet in Diet Coke was most publicly attacked it gained twice the revenues of those where it was not attacked. Tylenol and BP are still minting money.

Plan to win and you might just get a nice new boost.


For a more complete answers and processes, please contact us and we’ll be happy to help you get ready for the inevitable. Visit www.rocketbranding.com.



No question we just love a good reality show and often the more reality the better.

A soldier is putting something on another soldier 's face.

‘Here comes Honey Boo Boo’ is one of TLC’s highest rating and sharply criticized programs…..”a horde of lice-picking, lard-eating, nose-thumbing hooligans” (Forbes/Wikipedia).

Hey you know what, they are a fun bunch and we at Rocket Branding are not here to judge. We do however certainly love to challenge our branding acumen.

So the challenge is how to rocket Honey Boo Boo beyond the current success which can easily wane into obscurity as the next crop of outlandish reality shows pop up.

Honey Boo Boo is a brand. And certainly from a simple branding view there are plenty of opportunities to grow revenues with typical celebrity branding via t-shirts and trinkets, retail, appearances and even program spin offs with family members, friends etc. But this is only as good as the program viewership and interest remains strong.

Strategically then lets also agree that the brand is dependent on the show.

Two other reality shows with similar somewhat ‘down class’ beginnings have survived and endured to arguably rocket brand status. The Kardashians gained early notoriety in large part from Kim Kardashians sex tape. The show has been running for 7 seasons and the family in 2010 was reported to derive $65 million from it. The Jersey Shore is a similar example.

What did they do that could teach us how to rocket Honey Boo Boo?

They are brands within a brand.Kim is the feature brand on the family brand just as Honey Boo Boo is the center of hers. And the key is that, just with the Kardashians, they have been able to build stories not only for Kim but for each of the family members. And they are committed to doing so in every show.

The key isbrand stories. We love human interest stories and cannot get enough of them. Some of the best brand communications is based on stories. Stories connect brands to our lives and drive the script for each 30 minute episode.

Above all Honey Boo Boo is just a little girl. We need to have more stories about her and her family…not just the superficial dumpster raiding, mud dumping episodes but a little heart tug stuff. Let the viewer see a little vulnerability and innocence amidst their seemingly absurd life. If we can learn to love a little then we may just adopt the brand and it will endure. As an example, demographically, it could be amazing what a new puppy could do…. particularly if Honey Boo Boo decides to want to bring it up differently than she is used to and protect it from the mayhem.

We believe that the brand can rocket and endure if the show moves from silly spectacle to human interest and involvement. There is plenty of good emotional material there to work with.

What say you? Visit www.rocketbranding.com.



Have had the good fortune to work with several groups recently on the concept of leadership and, in particular, as it relates to the kind of CEO that is likely to lead rocket growth over the next decade or so.

Of these, working with MIT’s Gordon Engineering Leadership program was perhaps the most enlightening.

They have a world-class program with serious commitment to teaching leadership qualities and capabilities especially in terms of innovation, invention and implementation.

A soldier is putting something on another soldier 's face.

This is critical.

CEO’s are facing an increasingly competitive world. Most categories are maturing and becoming saturated with mirror-like competitors who have basically taken the margin they can out of operations, sales and service just to compete.

I believe that rocket growth for a company will come from creativity and in two areas – innovation and branding. The two weapons that will differentiate and fuel accelerated growth in both revenues and margins.

The successful CEO will need to be the CCO (Chief Creative Officer) with both a CIO (Chief Innovation Officer) and a CBO (Chief Brand Officer) reporting directly to him or her.

They will need to direct the strategies, plans and resources to create relevant new products and services and drive their early and ongoing success in the marketplace.

As I looked over the groups of MIT engineering students in the program and as much as I am a brander at heart, I could not help feel that I might be looking at the CEO crop of the future. What say you? Visit www.rocketbranding.com


If you want to grow a brand’s business FAST, have an extra hard look at language and context.

You can accelerate a brand’s acceptance and action if you understand the languagethat defines the context and messaging for the brand . “Just do it” defined Nike, “Where’s the beef?” defined Wendy’s, “We bring good things to Life” defined GE and so on.

And while we are in the midst of elections, I am constantly miffed at how politicians miss so many good language opportunities to rocket their ‘brand’.

Here are two examples:

In the last Presidential Election the incumbent party had to support a war…always a tough thing to do for an incumbent regardless of how necessary the war was. To his credit candidate Obama took the opportunity to present a fresh view on ‘global peace’ and ‘collaboration’. And in this case his “Hope and Change” theme was exactly right and indeed worked for the context and his brand message.

The Republicans may have had a chance to even the playing field somewhat by reminding all of why we were at war in the first place. Our enemy had become known as ‘terrorists’. This seemed at the time to be a good explanation for these new style combatants. It also for some implied a cause or some kind of rationale for these individual’s actions…maybe they are not so dangerous after all.

The McCain/Palin ticket could have changed the language and possibly restored some support for their party. Instead of using the term ‘terrorist’ they could have boldly begun referring to them as what they actually were and that is MURDERERS. They murdered American civilians and vowed to do so, every chance they get.

Now I am not saying that this could have been the basis for their campaign theme but in spirit I do believe that if they had begun using the term ‘murderers’ they might have built a more meaningful rationale and emotional support for their side.

The second example is timely.

The key election issue now appears to be jobs…or the lack there of. With some 23 million people out of work and a lagging economy both candidates and their parties are building their case for getting more jobs. The Democrats seem content to just muddy the water for the Republicans by continually talking about how the Republicans are only pro rich and can’t be trusted… powerful maybe but not necessarily a ‘get more jobs’ stance.

The Republicans are trying to focus on ‘small business owners’ and how the Democratic policies make it difficult for them to prosper and hire. Why doesn’t the Romney/Ryan team change the language from small business owners to talk more about EMPLOYERS and just cut to the chase?

Simplistic I know but in this way they can force the right context for the biggest issue and not let it get lost or minimized by the side issues of size and wealth. Believe me if you are either looking for a job or want a robust economy then really who cares how big or small companies are… a job is a job especially if you do not have one.

Now Rocket Branding does not pick sides but clearly at least for this area there were good opportunities for the Republicans that they missed.

So look carefully at language when you are rocketing a brand. What do you think? For more on Rocket Branding and how it can help you visit www.rocketbranding.com.

Rocket Branding Foreign Policy Tonight

Next to the economy, foreign policy is clearly the stuff of this 2012 Presidential Election and fireworks will surely fly between the candidates in tonight’s debate.

You know the script and some 60 million viewers will witness the spectacle of two heavy weights, fighting toe to toe and for every second.

Rocket Branding does not pick sides, but if either candidate wanted a true rocket idea that would blow away the other in the debate, then we would offer this one.

Rocket Branding is all about owning emotional beliefs and in this case as these beliefs relate to Leadership.

The winner will be the one that exhibits the greatest leadership and in this case that leadership is about trust in understanding what is really happening around the world and what has to be done…especially as it relates to all our people defending the front lines.

With all the emotional capital in this subject there is a very low tolerance for unnecessary or shady politics. And the one thing that turns the trust button to disfavor is when it comes to any implication of not supporting those in harms wayand their families back home.

So here’s the way to win in this debate.

As the first debate went to Governor Romney in part because he presented more energy, they both went into the second debate in attack mode. This debate should again be a full on attack with each trying to dominate with wall-to-wall words.

Each candidate usually gets two minutes to answer a question and each will use all this and as much as they can get.

What if one candidate in the midst of the frenzy stands up to answer the next question and does something totally unexpected?

In perhaps a more thoughtful and less hurried way he says something like this…

“We politicians will stand up here and expound for hours on foreign policy and all the great things we will do to ensure peace and prosperity but while we have the rare opportunity to have some 60 million good Americans watching, I just want to take the remainder my time to ask you for one small gesture. In the minute or so of my time left, I will be quiet and ask that everyone watching for just for one minute do one simple thing. Please just stop what you are doing and think about those who right now maybe sitting in a trench somewhere, or in a far flung outpost or in any dangerous situation at any second willing to give their lives for each and everyone one of us. Thank you”

And then he just simply sits down and bows his head until the minute is up and the fireworks resume.

Yes, of course, the opposing pundits will yell ‘cheap theatrics’ and the advocates will expound on the candidate’s passion and commitment but if he does this with authenticity and pride he will show the strength and commitment that the leader should have and for me, for his understanding of what is really ultimately at stake, he will get my vote.

Would this ever happen? Probably not…unfortunately leadership today seems more about winning than serving. What do you think?

We just like a chance to play with our Rocket Branding process and see how we can change the game.

For more on Rocket Branding and how it may be able to help your brand, contact us through www.rocketbranding.com.


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Rocket Branding a Romney win.

Again Rocket Branding is not judging who should win the 2012 Presidential Election and, again from purely a branding view we still believe that Obama has a strong ‘brand‘ following that he can use to regain momentum and win. (Please see my last Blog,” Rocket Branding believes the Obama brand is staged to Win,” Oct 9, 2012)


Arguably Romney’s recent debate success has boosted his chances and by all accounts his running mate, Paul Ryan, did well enough in the VP debate to keep momentum on their side for now.


With a few weeks to go and a close race, next week’s Presidential debate could be the decider. If President Obama can regain the emotional ‘brand’ connection with his base (and particularly like minded ‘undecided’ in the swing states) then Rocket Branding would still give him the edge.


So what can/should Mitt Romney do to win?


Mitt Romney, former governor of Massachusetts,...

Mitt Romney, former governor of Massachusetts, 2008 US presidential candidate. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Ok so let’s ‘rocket’ the Romney ‘brand’.


Apparently according to the polls and pundits, there are some 5% or so of voters yet undecided who will most likely decide the election. Let us appoint them our SOB target (source of business or source of vote target in this case) and let’s look at what can make them fall Romney’s way over the next two weeks.


Rocket Branding is about creating emotional beliefs for a brand. So what emotional belief do we need to build among this SOB target?


‘Likeability’ is clearly a driving factor for creating emotional belief in elections and although Governor Romney has improved on this measure, the Obama brand still wins here across most voters.


‘Likeability’ though can be trumped by ‘trust’…especially if the stakes are high. Just because you like some one it does not mean you automatically trust them to do the right thing by you and here the results are mixed between the two.


The SOB target surely by now has heard all the arguments, gaffes and narratives. So why are they are still undecided?


The key may well be in whom they think they can trust? And again all Obama has to do is push the ‘rich’ button and trust becomes an issue for Romney and Republicans in general. Romney’s 47% gaffe only pours more fuel on this fire.


So there it is. Romney must create a belief among the SOB target that they can TRUST him. If he can stand tall and focus his passion on relevant issues and answers (jobs, jobs, jobs, security) and respectfully withstand the ‘rich/47%’ body blows from Obama then he has a chance. The secret for him is to be clear, substantive and human on the issues and importantly stay on the high Presidential plain and not get into ‘small ball’ with the petty gaffes and zingers. This is not unlike what he did in the first debate and what Paul Ryan did to a degree in his debate with Joe Biden.


Two heavy weight emotional brands going at it with nothing less than the leadership of the free world going to the victor. Such great theater!

Even Honey Boo Boo must be eager to watch.


Which brand do you think will win? Lets chat about all the Rocket Branding possibilities.





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