The creation of fast acting, upwardly accelerating, new world finding brands. The brand strategy that forces every ounce of growth out of the brand and then some more and right away. This is Rocket Branding.


I have lived and worked all over the world and gratefully have experienced much of what life has to offer. I consider myself well-informed, open-minded, and, more to the point, a lifetime student of Branding, especially concerning what is happening worldwide.

So what? Well, now I am totally lost. 

The world is upside down. We are to believe that reality is not reality. We are to believe what we are told, not what we see. Many now call this gaslighting. 

We are to believe that a senile older man is not a senile older man, a convicted felon can lead the free world, males can compete in female sports, and an economy is strong despite record inflation, prices, and debt. Also, we are supposed to accept that criminals can go free, millions of unknown foreigners can pour across our borders, politics does not corrupt our justice systems, and a 20-year-old can climb a building with a rifle and shoot an ex-president in full view of Homeland Security and the Secret Service.

And that’s just in the US. In the Middle East, we are supposed to believe that it’s justified for brutal, murdering terrorists to attack a neighbor, hide behind their civilians in hospitals and refugee camps, and watch them die. Then there is the environment. We are to believe that the world’s largest maker of EVs is not also the world’s biggest polluter, burning the most fossil fuel in the world –  in large part to make those fossil-fuel-saving cars. Upside down. Gaslighted.

Unfortunately, this list can go on, but what does this do to your Branding? How should you build your brand over the next 3-5 years?

Some things to consider…

  1. Follow The Money. Sorry, but this is incredibly important. Historically, the masses usually pay the price when leadership is crazed and uncertain. Savings and investment plans turn into debt management struggles. This is not likely to change for the better any time soon. Take a fresh look at how your critical growth consumer or customer target changes purchase decisions and how it will affect your brand strategy. This is rather obvious, but trends related to money pressures are often recorded too late to do anything substantive about. Get ahead of it.
  2. Look to the Young. Whether they are your brand target or not, teens and 20-somethings are most affected by uncertain times. For many today, the cost of fun is unaffordable, and living costs are downright scary. This puts money pressure on everyone – parents, family, and others who must help.

So, how is this affecting the young? 

I just read a terrific article in Forbes by Kris Nagel titled;‘Gen Zers are sodisillusioned with the economy that many think that it is OK to commit fraud.’ Almost half of the researched are happy to admit it’s okay to contact a seller for a refund for a perfectly fine product they just purchased. Big deal? Yes, it is, especially when you couple this with civil unrest…mobs of unruly young people looting and damaging retailers, often with impunity. One looter famously said, “It was OK because these stores have insurance.” These are just two data points, but the picture is quite clear. Those dissolutioned become disenfranchised, and then they retaliate. Any form of authority figure (govt, police, corporations, etc.) is fair game. “It’s not a crime if you get away with it.” As these young cohorts are connected worldwide via TikTok, etc., this global situation will not go away soon.

OK, enough about the woes. What about branding solutions?

Nothing here suggests that Branding is worthless in this stressed environment. On the contrary, it could be time to double down on brand support. Depending on your brand’s core growth target or SOB (Source of Business target, as we call them), your specific efforts may change. However, as everyone is dealing with the same daily situations, might I suggest the following approaches … relate, reward, and rejuvenate? (Like the alliteration … creative, eh!).

Relate. Now is not the time in history to be overly authoritarian, oblivious, or, more importantly, unauthentic. As many company brands have joined the ‘purpose-driven’ train, there is a tendency to talk about how wonderful they are … saving the whales, etc. Worthy causes no doubt, but when your SOBs are surviving paycheck-to-paycheck, maybe that money should go to lowering prices and providing meaningful discounts and incentives.

Reward. Growing brand loyalty is difficult when price points are high. Low-price, non-branded items do just fine. There must be a reward for paying more for a branded product or service. The ‘x factor’ is and always will be quality. Now is the time to reward your SOBs for choosing quality.

Rejuvenate. Hope and positive energy are the right tonic for the times. Employ them.

We at Rocket Branding would love to discuss your brand and how to employ these tactics to keep winning in the market. And this will definitely not be by gaslighting.

Use Your Words

Like most mothers, my wife tirelessly taught our kids to “use their words” when angry or frustrated. Makes sense, right? Better to talk it out than fight it out.

OK, but what does this have to do with branding? Well, a whole lot today.

Societal behavior has changed. I’m not sure if it’s an evolution or transition or what, but in today’s highly judgmental and litigiously sensitive world, words are loaded and often weaponized.

On the world stage, one person’s ‘terrorist’ is another’s ‘freedom fighter.’ Any questioning or equivocation here can immediately drop you in the middle of an active ‘pro’ or ‘anti’ group.

It’s heady stuff, for sure. Come talk to us if we can help you better understand where and how your brand can thrive in even as confusing a market as we have now.

Closer to home, most people are decidedly either a Democrat or a Republican. The gap between us has never been wider. One errant comment about guns, open borders, and inflation makes you an ‘extreme MAGA Republican.’

Any comments of inhumane treatment of people, animals, or the environment will label you an ‘extreme liberal Democrat’ with ‘woke’ blood surging through your veins. And now, we all need to be trained to understand gender and sexual labels – ‘they,’ ‘them,’ ‘trans,’ ‘cis,’ ‘binary,’ ‘LGBQT+,’ and so on. Indeed, everyone must be respected for who they are and their individuality. No judgment here, but any use of the wrong word can be deemed deeply offensive to someone and met with swift and angry reactions.

What happened to mutual respect and ‘using our words’ to freely express views without being cut off and summarily dumped into an extreme bucket?

Is common sense under fire? Has ‘hype’ media taken over? Extreme views and warring factions make for great headlines and ratings. Where is objectivity and impartiality? Are we moving to a culture where inclusion outranks achievement, ‘optics’ rule, and mislabeling cannot possibly be accepted as an innocent mistake? Perhaps it is better not to say anything!

So much for ‘using your words’.

OK, what about branding?

Well, ask Bud Light. We all know the story. A promotion that partnered with a trans influencer lost the brand’s substantial share and a leadership position that they may never regain. Adidas, Target, and others who innocently tried to cater to similar new audiences were immediately labeled as ‘woke’ and publicly attacked accordingly.

So, what is the solution for a brand message in today’s market? 

Should a brand stay mainstream, entirely out of social discord, and devoid of social labels? After all, who cares what a banana grower or widget maker thinks? Possibly, but what happens to those new or current employees who demand to work for companies and brands that are ‘purpose-driven’ in terms of the betterment of humanity? Does staying quiet and agnostic create a relevance issue?

Like in most sectors of our life today, it’s complicated. 

But then again, does it have to be?

I have a simple solution.

When the world is in turmoil and the immediate future is uncertain, two factors will always win. Authenticity and Leadership. When times are wild, your brand’s consumers and customers are hungry for the truth and someone to give them hope for the future. This is the absolute opposite of ‘virtue signaling.’

You must understand your company and your brand’s SOBs (your Source of Business targets). If you know what your crucial growth users think and what they desire from your brand, focus all your efforts on providing the best product or service you can. And importantly, pay special attention to this … offer an authentic, relevant brand ‘home.’ 

The greats… Apple, Nike, Harley Davidson, Starbucks, Amazon, and even Taylor Swift provide an emotional venue where their SOBs want to be. Yes, a particular tagline or ad campaign might have drawn you to a brand. Still, mostly, it’s about being real and allowing your users the room to experience, adopt, and advocate your brand as a reflection of themselves without false assertions.

Advocate for your consumers and customers, your SOBs, and your people. Have the courage to lead them and do what’s right for them. No one can blame AB for wanting to expand Bud Light to a growing user group. Do not do it if it makes your core customer (your primary SOB) uncomfortable or alienated. If the beer they hold betrays their image of themselves, they will vacate your ‘brand room’ in droves. Greed is no excuse.

And here is an obvious tip. If you advocate for something socially beyond how wonderful your brand is, pick something everyone can agree on … not profoundly polarizing. I just noticed that Purina is advocating against domestic pet abuse… something that everyone, including their SOB, can agree on and would add to their brand room, I would think. 

What does Pickleball teach us about Branding?

New things come and go. Now and then, something sticks. Popularity rockets. A vortex appears in the universe and sucks up all manner of people, products and of course profits.

Pickleball is everywhere. Why? And what has that to do with Branding?

The game has been around for some fifty years but recently was reported as ‘the fastest growing sport in the US’ with some five million players spending 60 billion dollars on equipment alone. Oldies first picked it up as a fun, easy game akin to backyard badminton but now all ages are jumping in. It is important to note that the reigning female world champion is only 15.

Why so popular now?

  1. Fun, easy, simple game, anyone can learn quickly, play pretty much anywhere, and enjoy. 

(How about that for a brand statement?) 

  • An antidote to Covid and all the complex pressures we still suffer through today.
  • Caters to a wide range of personalities. Aggressive young ‘bangers’, can bang away. Heady vets can finesse, and everyone can find something to laugh about on and off the court.
  • Has grass roots, local community feel. This may slowdown as commercial entities take over but for now it is as easy as turning up at the local park, meet and play with a bunch of lay-back, easy-going individuals.
  • All sorts of enticing new equipment and entities to engage with and obsess over. 

So what lessons are there in this for building your Brand?

  1. An easy, fun lifestyle – free of hassle and conflict is extraordinarily appealing in today’s world. Everyone is looking for this. Give it to them.

Remove as many expensive, complicated barriers to your brand experience as possible. Be authentic. Of course, do not present your brand as being, easy and fun if it is not. Fakes are for scammers and baiters.

  • Shorten and amplify the first brand exposure and trial experience. We are in a world of instant gratification. Make your brand accessible and rewarding. Word travels fast and people-enjoying-people is fuel for mass acceptance.
  • If you are launching a new lifestyle brand in the product or service arena study pickleball brands. Here is a classic example of ‘first brand in the brain’ by Trout and Ries, (I believe).

Not too long ago, there were a few paddle manufacturers. The typical racquet brands like Head, Prince, Wilson jumped in.  But names like Selkirk, Engage, Gamma, Franklin with a more specific pickleball focus now lead several hundred makers. Selkirk for example took this strategic high ground of designed for pickleball and began a paddle innovation path and sport involvement that has their paddles now on back order and selling for over three hundred dollars supported with tons of internet content and pro sponsorships. Not unlike Nike of old. Worth studying these evolving brand phenomena.

  • Engage the community biome. Pickleball has found a home close to home.

As such is bringing neighbors, friends, and families together. This is a natural, enjoyable place generating lots of positive energy. Again, a perfect venue for your brand going forward. Remember it isn’t about the medium or even the message anymore. It’s about how the Internet and social media can connect your brand at the community level.

As 2023 rolls around it is a great time to reassess your brand and if needed reignite its energy and attitude. Rocket it like pickleball!

We at Rocket Branding are always happy to work with you on this and potentially throw in some free pickleball lessons. [email protected].

‘New Normal’ Branding

Never has the concept of ‘brand’ been more critical to growth. And not just for products or services but companies, organizations and indeed governments. 

The ‘New Normal’ is horrifying – costly, chaotic, crime rampant, climate scared and for now at least uncertainty rules.

Why is this?

We are living through a time where there are way more questions than answers.

Almost every aspect of our life is unclear. And the questions are huge. Should the world transition immediately into green energy and full-scale globalization as proffered by many new country leaders and ‘world thinkers’ at recent world forums. That’s fine but who gets to pay? Ordinary people of course. They are expected to assume the substantial ‘transition’ costs ($7 gallon!), while suffering through fatigued infrastructures (baby food) and dealing with the invisible killers in our homes like pandemics, cyber hackers and, of course the senseless violence now in our neighborhoods. 

Who is going to answer these questions and solve the problems?

Hank Ostholthoff, Head of ProHabits, who counsels corporations on work habits laments at the ‘epidemic of lack of leadership.’ Who is going to find the solutions and even more so execute them? Big ideas are wonderful but putting them into action is an entirely other problem. The government can always give out checks but ultimately all this does is feed inflation.

So why is branding so critical in all this?

Simple. Normally, clear minds could turn to the facts. Not anymore. Traditional sources of news and knowledge filter everything through biased ideologies and pile it on with social media disinformation. Regardless of how image-driven a brand is, it’s success through the sales cycle has always relied on information that persuades you to ultimately buy or not? This is now true not only for products and services but for companies and political entities. Who can you possibly believe? 

Here’s the key point.

If we can’t decipher what is right or wrong, then all you can do is decide how you feel about something. How you feel about a brand and the company behind it? How you feel about a philosophy or agenda? Who do you believe in?

Brands have always been at their most successful when they have a earned a ‘warm familiarity’ and indeed advocacy with and from their best growth audience. Hopefully this is supported by the product or service experience. With all the uncertainty on earth today and lack of answers we as humans will rely more on our gut, on who we trust.

What do we do? 

The concept of ‘brand’ has never been more critical. Brands today must work out how to become more humanly and experientially relevant and feed the feelings that create positive decisions. Which brand do you believe? Which brand truly understands what we are all going through. Empathy and inspiration. Not gratuitous, virtue signaling or back slapping. It’s genuineness. It is authenticity. It is moving forward and making things better if only in small ways. It is becoming emotionally relevant.

So, how do you make your brand more successful in this extremely uncertain and complex world?

Three considerations.

  1. Study and understand where and how your brand best fits into the lives of your best growth audience and identify the emotional triggers.
  • Take a long-term view – 3-5 years and begin working towards a more meaningful brand relationship with your best audience (consumers, customers, users, voters, advocates and do not forget your employees and associates). Remember a string of small victories is more meaningful and believable in this evolving environment.
  • Great, iconic brands typically make their biggest brand gains in periods of craziness and large-scale uncertainty. Time to get going.

Call us and we’ll help you get there. Rocket Branding 312 316 5290.

Extreme Branding Gone Awry

Extreme BrandA soldier is putting something on another soldier 's is alive and well.

Nike jumped into the deep end of civil rights with Kaepernick’s Anthem kneeling. Now Gillette has followed suit with a not so subtle attack on ‘masculine toxicity.’

I get it! Gillette, like Nike, wants to make sure their global mega brand is relevant to the younger males who appear to be more sensitive to social purpose.

Nike played on their enduring, ‘Just Do It,’ campaign. Gillette is using their long time, ‘The Best a Man Can Get’ platform.

One can look at this from a business view and say bravo. Gillette’s viral buzz is on fire; brand re-awareness is rocketing and should continue so through the hyped SuperBowl season.

Nike’s sales were reportedly up after their campaign launched and although their effort turned off some loyal users, it has apparently worked for younger audiences. Time will tell. As one young friend said, ‘At least they had the courage to use their money to help make things better.”

I asked the same young person what they thought of the new Gillette campaign and he said,“Stupid. I don’t need some shaving company lecturing me on how I should be.”


Of course this was just one person’s view, but it doesn’t take more than a Google minute to see that he was not alone. One report showed twice as many dislikes as likes.

Scanning through the comments, unlike Nike, which tended to be about social conscience for all, Gillette’s approach hits a more personal note.

Nike did not lecture the viewer on his or her role in civil liberty issues. They were celebrating Kaepernick’s individual right to ‘Just Do It.’ You can argue with the way he protested but at the same time you cannot argue with everyone’s rights to justice.

Gillette on the other hand may have made a bad mistake.

Did they take the right stand? Who are they talking to?

No question, the #MeToo movement has put a spotlight on sexual harassment, and yes, bullying has come to the fore today in really nasty ways including suicides and school shootings.

But, and this is a big ‘but’, not all males are bullies or sexual predators as this campaign seems to imply. These aren’t rampant diseases that every male indulges in. Maybe more was tolerated in the 50’s and 60’s as in the footage they showed, but not today.

In fact, data shows that females are just as likely to bully. Social media can be decidedly mean. A black eye is not good but it can heal. Being socially ostracized can hurt for a long time.

And BTW, on a purely personal note the phrase ‘boys will be boys’ is something I have heard just as often in my life from females and mothers. And why did the producer shoot men as though they were standing against a wall like in all the thousands of firing squad movies we’ve seen?

Gillette took a #MeToo movement against those males that sexually harassed to a platform indicting every male’s behavior and their duty to the next generation of males to boot!

Do males really need a shaving brand to lecture them on the bad behavior of a few and their supposed collective toxicity? I think not and unfortunately their attempt at what I call Extreme Branding will backfire for some time to come. After all switching shaving brands is not a big decision and Gillette is by no means unique. It is somewhat harder to move away from Nike products.

Hopefully they are going to evolve this campaign back to the original basis of the ‘The Best a Man’ campaign by celebrating the admirable aspects of manhood as opposed to taking on a gratuitous grandstanding attack on it.

Perhaps P&G should have taken note of Bud Light’s highly successful, ‘Dilly, Dilly!’ campaign where taking a stand ‘for the many and not the few’ actually works.

Or more so, look at their own excellent history of taking aging brands and reintroducing them to the young. I helped P&G do so in the successful re-launching both Old Spice and Head and Shoulders brands.

P&G’s Dawn Detergent’s, saving at-risk wildlife campaign is one of the more brilliant pieces of Extreme Branding I have seen. Their platform of strength and mildness was taken to an even higher level when they moved it into the ugly tragedy of oil spoils.

So what are the lessons here?

Extreme branding can certainly re-activate the presence and potential relevance of a brand to new generations but it can also backfire in profound ways.

Some tips:

1. Pick your poison carefully. It is fine for the brand to have an Extreme Branding platform but this is not about a strategy looking for a noisy cause. It is about authentic and relevant beliefs.

2.Don’t overstate your brand’s role.A brand can certainly educate, inform and at times be very persuasive on social issues. Chances are that many more eyeballs are going to see the Gillette advertising than may read the #MeToo news. So be sure you know what the role of the brand’s message is out there and make sure you are turning a lot more on than off, or you will be hurting the very cause you are trying to help.

3.Be Smart.Extreme Branding is a long-term strategy. Treat it as such and fight the battle to win overtime. Don’t just pop your head up, yell a little and then sit back down. Where Gillette goes next can well determine their fate in my mind at least.

What say you?