Rocket Brandingâ„ is a philosophy and proprietary process that forces accelerated growth from businesses and brands.
Our new book tells the story of how Rocket Branding was developed, outlines the three principles and six questions it was built on and details over 20 real world cases of how the Rocket Branding thinking and process has helped create fast growing results and lasting successes. You’ll see stories about product brands like NutraSweet, Old Spice, Celebrex, V8 and brand stories for companies and corporations like Harley Davidson, J&J, P&G, Monsanto and Coca Cola plus a few rocketing newcomers.
Rocket Branding helps companies grow their businesses and brands fast by answering the key questions. This sets up the growth strategy and plan. Then, through insight and expertise the book works through the launch plan, creation and growth management training. In a matter of weeks the strategy and plan is set and the creative work and management tutoring will take place. The Rocket Branding process is deliberately fast so that good fresh thinking can be developed and employed in your marketplace as soon as possible.
At the heart of the process is the focus on accelerating acceptance and driving the action needed by the key business targets to fuel the rocket growth plan.
It works for all brands new and old, for B2C products or services, B2B company plans, corporations, all geographies, channels and media (traditional and digital) and, is of value to anyone from novice to C level who is responsible for their brand’s growth and success.
Please feel free to buy the book and contact us to discuss how we can help you grow fast.