Abbott, ADA, ADCommunity, American Express, Arcadia, Axel-Lloyd, Best Buy, Bel Brands, Biosafe, Caremark, Coca Cola, Church & Dwight, Case New Holland, Campbell’s Soup Company, Children’s Scholarship Fund, CPKelco, ConAgra, Compsych, Convergent Digital, DesignPac, Doculab, Down Under Endeavours, Frankel, Focal Communication, General Mills, Good Things Media, Grant Thornton, Graphic Surgery, Harley Davidson, High Speed America, Hewlett Packard, Hyatt, Inside Trading, J&J, JohnsonDiversey, JLPowell, Lambert Key, Legacy, Kemper Lesnik, Kimberley Clarke, Kubin- Nicholson, Mabbly, MarchFirst, Martor, Magellan, Merck, Microsoft, McDonalds, Med-Systems, Miller Brewing, Monsanto, Mugsy, Nabisco, Natural Bridge, New Balance, Nuron, NutraSweet, Oscar Mayer, P&G, Pfizer, PureCircle, Post and Courier News, Qantas, Quaker, Rightpoint, Rehmann, Scram Technologies, Schering-Plough, Steelcase, Stella and Chewies, TAP, TMNG, The Bronner Group, The Field, Ulta, Purejuana, Virchow Krause, Winston-Straun, Whirlpool, Women Road Warrior, Xerox