Everyone is a ‘brand’.
Let us rocket you just like we would a successful, fast moving billion-dollar brand.
Rocket Branding has helped built six so far with a few in the works.
The same principles apply… grow, focus and simplify, and four questions:
1. Where do you want to be five years from now?If you know where you are going it is a whole lot easier to get there. Dream, ponder and go for it. A scrappy, 22 year old in Sydney, (down under) decided he needed to get to the USA and run a world class ad agency. I did with a series of 5-year rocket plans that took me through London, Hong Kong, and tons of client meetings and ad campaigns to get there.
2. What are the three key actions that have to take place?Focus on what has to happen when? Not a laundry list, just the three critical ones.
3. What key decision makers do you need to influence to accomplish the five-year goal? Employers, bosses, influencer etc. Again, not a laundry list, just the critical ones.
4. What basic emotional connections do I need to have for my ‘brand’ to gain accelerated acceptance among these key decision makers? Really important. How should you be perceived? Life is often a series of snap decisions. Put your self in the shoes of the decision makers above and remember most people decide based on what’s in it for them and, often from what they see in front of them. So don’t dress and act like a low level salesman if you want to be a high level president.
Yes, I know you may have heard some of this before and yes, at times we hear it from brands…. a lot of ‘but this’ and ‘but that’ – but trust us and really try it. The billion brands are still thanking us for forcing them to follow this type of rigor.
We have helped rocket many individuals and through our Traction Training process based on the above. So contact us and we’ll get you flying high fast, www.rocketbranding.com.