Rocket Branding Believes the ‘Obama Brand’ Is Staged to Win

Rocket Branding is not judging who should win, but purely from a branding view it’s possible that President Obama may yet have the edge.

In many other democracies voters pick the party and the party picks the leader, but here we are most obsessed with picking the leader so the person becomes the choice.

Obama has done well personally but also because he actually performs more like a brand.

A close up of president obama looking to his left

He is perfectly symbolic of a much larger set of beliefs based on some deep-set emotions among many American voters. And if you apply Rocket Branding thinking to the current race he is arguably in a great position to take off and win in the next 30 days.

“But wait” you say. “Romney just dominated the President in their first debate and clearly has the momentum”.

Despite that Obama can turn the momentum and win.

Here’s s why….

Rocket Branding is about creating emotional believes that cause the growth target to act on behalf of the brand – buy, vote, join etc.

Barack Obama appeared on the national scene four years ago with little if any credentials. But he did win in large part because he represented something that struck a deep emotional chord with many Americans. That was a pent up, dislike and frustration with the sense that America was ruled by those more dedicated to making money and wielding power… this, to the detriment of the average American and our neighbors throughout the world.

To this group Obama represented the chance to be ‘fair and friendly’ in a new “good” America where the greed, aggression and ‘crony-ism’ of the old “bad” America were no longer in play. In ‘good’ America everyone “joins hands, prospers and America is loved and admired all over the world”.

Now the strategist in me sees even deeper underlying emotions. In fact I wrote about it in my book. A lot of the followers of this new belief were women, mothers, younger generations and minorities. I believe they found a sense of more certainty and control in their lives with this new thinking. “If everyone can do well and everyone likes us, then we will be safe.” The traditional liberal media certainly fueled this thinking, Obama became our President and a new brand was born with ‘Hope and Change’ its banner.

Ok so fast forward to now some 4 years later.

Despite little progress with ‘Hope and Change’ nothing has really changed with the Obama brand. This group still loves the Obama brand and because it is based on these deeper emotions of certainty and control, he has been able to keep up the good fight even against the still visible enemy (congress etc.) and even despite the poor economy and a really dismal debate performance.

And here is where a brand will win.

President Obama is an emotional brand. Romney on the other hand is not. Obama’s followers like him emotionally. Romney’s followers do not really know him on any personal or emotional level. Romney certainly improved this and his ‘likeability’ in the debate but here’s the stunner, Obama’s likeability already ahead of Romney’s by a large margin actually went up after the debate.

A brand that people like and relate to will always do better and, especially, as in this case if the brand is the perceived underdog fighting the good cause.

Obama and his team have followed a focused and simple brand strategy (Rocket Branding principles). They have continually positioned Romney as another rich Republican same as the last, that only cares about the old, bad American principles of supporting the rich ‘1%’ and controlling the middle class. All Obama has to do is push the ‘rich’ button and all his followers line up ready to fight.

On top of this whether it was luck or brilliance is the fact that Obama stumbled and lost the first debate now gives him every opportunity to come back for the second debate and reestablish his ‘presidential’ perceptions. He can stand tall and forthrightly once again take on the mantle of fighting the rich and their leader Mitt Romney. The liberally biased media will create momentum for his strength and ‘underdog’ determination. Any logic regardless of how well presented by Romney will be drowned out and swept away by the hoards of hooping and hollering Obama lovers.

Again this is not about who should win but a classic look at how powerful the notion of branding is in the modern world and how useful the principles of Rocket Branding can be in accelerating a brand…even one as important as the leader of the free world.

So is there yet a ‘brand ‘ play for Mitt Romney that can turn the tide in his favor? Rocket Branding has a view on this? Tune into the next blog to find out.

Rocket Fuel

What does a 100-year-old global enterprise; a 200-year-old newspaper and a dusty old man’s toiletry brand have in common with three new billion-dollar brands?

Two things

1. They all understood the concept of rapid growth.

2. They all used Rocket Branding

Yes a little self-serving for sure, but let me explain.

Rocket Branding helped…

  • Monsanto reposition its corporate brand to quickly take advantage of the new global life sciences market opportunities
  • Charleston’s very own Post and Courier News find a way to bridge the paper and digital worlds without missing a beat.
  • Old Spice regain brand appeal among young men (and women)
  • NutraSweet and Splenda both find a way to grow rapidly across all sweetener channels
  • And helped Searle /Pfizer find the way to create a whole new space to launch the blockbuster arthritis drug, Celebrex…even before it was launched.

You can certainly read the full story about each of these in my book but let me cut to the chase and talk about one thing that really fuels rocket growth.

It’s a simple concept called accelerated acceptance.

Regardless of the kind of brand we are working with (company, product or service brand), revenue growth depends on the right decisions being made by the right target and earlier rather than later. ‘Interest’, ‘awareness’, ‘preference’ are all great goals but until some one accepts the brand and plunks down the cash how can you be sure that revenue is going to happen. Taking that a step further how do you actually accelerate that acceptance. Well yes it takes a certain amount of courage and creativity but by really focusing on the right growth target and creating a brand belief (and often an emotional appeal), you can most definitely drive accelerated acceptance which will in turn drive rapid and sustainable growth.

Rocket Branding a President

Here we are again in yet another horrific season of President picking.

Heat up the popcorn and pull up a chair for prime viewing of the gutter sniping and the demeaning back and forth. And believe me now that we have the Internet and all its ‘gotcha’ info we are going to hear about every single misstep that any candidate has made at any time in their entire life. Oh boy!

Let’s have a little fun at least and Rocket Brand the winning strategy for a candidate.

We’ll apply the Rocket Branding principles of Growth, Focus and Simple.

What does rapid growth look like for the winning candidate brand?

That’s pretty clear. Everyone in America and for the matter, the world, wants to work. They want a job. So the winning candidate will grow votes rapidly if he (assuming an Obama/Romney choice) can promise more jobs than the other. The key here is promise because obviously proof is in the future once elected. This is where branding comes in. Branding is a belief.

So rapid growth (votes) for the winning brand will come from creating the belief that they will secure more jobs. So that’s the Growth, what about Focus and Simplicity?

So where is the brand Focus for this Growth?

The jobs need is pervasive and affects everyone. Even the ungodly rich and powerful still need the masses working to fuel the economies.

So the focus is not necessarily on a demographic. It is somewhat philosophic however. It’s the old 30% rule. 30% love you (your base), 30% hate you and the 30% in the middle make the difference . So lets focus the brand on the 30% in the middle ‘undecided’ mindset.

Now we know from successful Rocket Brands that creating a belief in a brand is very emotional. Sure you can look at the record of each candidate and see which one has proven their job growing history and create all sorts of reassuring images and messages about their proven successes. Unfortunately with today’s gotcha, ‘go get em’ media mentality, and the gifted ‘spin doctors’ on both sides, it’s unlikely that either candidate will be able to sell any clarity around their jobs record.

So lets dig into this emotional mind set especially among the undecided in the middle. What’s going on? What emotion is behind all this? Why is having a job so darn important right now?

Ready for it? The answer is actually quite simple. We are in an age of unparalleled uncertainty. There is no emotion that is more debilitating than uncertainty. Today in the world every facet of all our future life is vague to say the least. All economies are essentially in trouble with pretty sad prospects for future rebound. Personal security for our families is at risk worldwide from invisible enemies (terrorists, cyber terrorists) and even nature appears to be rebelling. We want some degree of certainty. At least being able to get up each day, go to work and get paid is a sign of some certainty. Not having a job with all this uncertainty creates even more despair and uncertainty.

So the Focus is on getting key undecided’s’ SOB’s (source of business target) to vote for the candidate based on their belief that that candidate will provide the jobs and more deftly the bigger sense of certainty that is sorely needed.

Finally then what is the Simple brand message and image for the winning candidate ‘brand’ here?

Certainty’ is certainly a powerful emotion but is also very tough to promise without proof. How can one be certain unless one knows? There is however a brand platform that if executed with confidence and surety can create the belief in certainty. Yes you are right. It is the platform of leadership…with a big ‘L’.

Our history is built on the back of leaders that have mustered the forces and lead us out of the darkness. Clearly it is very hard to point to one country in the world right now that has a strong, credible leader. Arguably Reagan was probably the last one of that breed of US leaders that showed those values of stature, courage and resolve in the face of both security and economy problems.

So this being true, Rocket Branding would suggest that the candidate that wishes to win this election, and early in the process, will the very wise to truly build a brand based on Leadership. And the first sign of this will the one that decides to sell a jobs plan and a vision of certainty rather than focusing their time on money on just beating up the other one.

Make sense?

It will be interesting to see if either candidate takes advantage of this leadership branding? Perhaps we should add a little pep to the unfolding theatre of the elections by establishing a Rocket Branding Leadership barometer or Index and see how high the winner scored. What do you think fellow Rocket Branders?

Digital Branding Dilemma

It’s actually not a whole lot of fun being a CMO these days.

Trust me it was far easier in the Mad Man days. That was in the ‘pre digital’ media world when you only had to make a short series of decisions to support your brand like how much TV to buy and when to use Print, Radio or Outdoor.

And it was still not that complicated when the era of ‘integrated marketing’ ushered in the idea of creating a powerful and coordinated brand appeal not just via adverting but across all marketing mediums including, Promotions, PR, Direct Marketing and Event Marketing.

Digital media certainly changed all that. Now for the first time the end user controls what brand message they want, when and in what way. This was tough enough when the medium was a web site but how the heck do you evaluate the real worth of social mediums and returns on apps and mobile investments? You are a click or swipe away from being an instant success or easily forgotten.

Well I have some advice. The change of control of marketing to the end user is such a major sea change in this whole discussion that now is the time to really stop and work on a blank sheet. It really is of no use to continue to measure and evaluate everything based on the previous disciplines.

Three tips of how to best start to navigate through the decisions…

1. Put all the media and execution decisions aside for now.

It is not about which media or what vehicle…video etc. That comes later

2. Think strategically not executionally.

Sit back, clear your mind of tactics and ponder the basic strategic questions… What do I have to do to what people and when to get your brand to take off fast? It maybe as simple as getting my current base of brand users to buy twice as often over the next year or as complicated as creating a brand appeal that will ‘open the door’ of the CEO of the Fortune 100 prospects for our company sales folk. Whatever it is, the more real and clear it is the better.

3. Disregard convention

Now that you have a clear and simple statement of what it is you need to do to whom and when then, seek out and find the very best means to achieve your brand goals. DO NOT fall into the trap of going back to marketing convention and trying to fit your goals into a medium. Now you can fit the medium to your goals.




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